Sarah Pascall

Sarah Pascall FCA Operations & Finance Director

Sarah qualified as a chartered accountant at PwC, working in finance and insurance before moving into the public sector to focus on management and regulation. A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and one of our company directors, Sarah is responsible for the smooth running of the back office at Housing Online. Away from work, Sarah enjoys a spot of club rowing and coaching, as well as bread making to fuel her rowing habit. As a keen reader, Sarah couldn’t pick out a single favourite author, but is a huge fan of as diverse a range of writers as Kazuo Ishiguro, Daphne du Maurier and Terry Pratchett.

Leanda Ryan

Leanda RyanDesign & UI Director

Leanda is Housing Online’s designer and front-end developer and has yet to meet a piece of digital functionality that she doesn’t believe could be enhanced by a cleaner design. One of our company directors, Leanda graduated with a degree in Interactive Arts from Manchester Metropolitan University and worked within the arts and cultural sector for eighteen years before opting to bring her creativity to the housing world. When not patiently explaining the fundamentals of good design again to her cloth-eared colleagues, Leanda keeps her mind clear with a ferocious dedication to her spin team and dreams of the soothing tranquillity of the Greek Islands.

Phil Sorrell

Phil Sorrell Development & Customer Relations Director

Phil has over fifteen years of experience working with Housing Associations to build customer-led web solutions. As one of our company directors, Phil firmly believes in fostering close relationships with clients to better deliver solutions that genuinely meet customer needs. Perhaps unusually for the industry, Phil believes projects should be fairly priced, delivered on time, to budget and to an exceptionally high standard. A keen hiker, orienteer and wild swimmer, Phil enjoys unwinding by playing fiendishly complicated board games and running around the countryside map in hand.

Tim Sorrell

Tim Sorrell Planning Lead & Communications

After more than twenty years working in a corporate environment for companies like Boots and IBM, Tim is now delighted to apply his analytical skills and passion for delivering change somewhere he might actually be able to make a difference. A Masters degree in Medieval History was not perhaps the most trodden path for a career working with Information technology, but Tim is also the proud owner of professional qualifications in Project Management and Business Analysis. When not working, Tim spends as much time as he can either running, coaching running, guiding visually impaired runners or helping organise a local parkrun. He also sings in a choir, is a fan of cold water swimming and is learning to row (those last two hobbies hopefully never mixing).

Kat Higgins

Kat Higgins Developer & Support Lead

Kat joined Housing Online from the West Highland Housing Association and as a qualified Housing Practitioner brought with her a wealth of direct experience of Housing in general, and of Scottish Housing in particular. As our Support Lead, Kat uses her insight and empathy every single day to help us to provide the best possible experience to our customers. Kat has also just completed a degree in IT with the Open University and is a key part of our development team. In her spare time, Kat loves exploring the beautiful Scottish countryside on her doorstep with her family. As a keen scuba diver, this includes spending plenty of time below the water line too.

James Wright

James WrightTechnical Lead & Developer

Before joining Housing Online, James spent much of the last ten years working as a contractor for a range of organisations, including the Ministry of Defence. As Technical Lead & Developer at Housing Online, James specialises in building custom applications, websites and mobile applications and is responsible for producing much of the technical magic that powers our systems. He promises us that working with Housing Associations is every bit as exciting as working with tanks. When not working, James enjoys time with his family and friends, enjoying good food and excellent - sometimes home brewed - beer.

Dan Martin

Dan MartinSenior Developer

With over 25 years of experience of web development under his belt, Dan has just the right kind of expertise to help Housing Online to continue to offer the very highest quality products and services to our customers. As Senior Developer, Dan’s passion for ensuring that software is built according to correct engineering principles to ensure reliability and maintainability is music to our ears and sits very comfortably alongside our company values. Outside of work, Dan is a sports fan and also enjoys exploring the great outdoors on foot or on his bike. As a keen music fan and avid consumer of books and TV programmes about history, Dan definitely has plenty to keep him busy when he’s not dreaming about web coding standards.